
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

2012 Catch-Up

I didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted anything. I decided to do a quick summary of the rest of 2012 since we actually had  quite a bit happen.
August - After Robert finished his summer session at BYU we drove down to spend a week in San Diego. Of course that was full of fun. My mom and Kristine decided to come up and visit us in Utah so we brought Gabe back up with us and my mom and Kristine joined us a day or two later. It was great to have them up here. An added bonus was we got to see Heather and Ball and her girls who stayed at our place because they were brining Brianna down for school. With only being in a two bedroom condo our house was definitely full!!

September was a fairly quiet month. Robert started his fall semester and I did alot of canning. Other than that it was peaceful. We were able to go to Washington to see Grandma Faulkner which was a great blessing. I had to go to Seattle for a work conference and Robert came afterwards and we drove to Shelton and spent a few days with Grandma. We hadn't been able to come back since we went there on our honeymoon. It was great to see Grandma.

Robert with Grandma Trudy and the dogs (Millie, Daisy and Chester)

October a bit more hectic but full of great experiences. Robert was taking a Honors Doctrine and Covenants class that required a week long Field Study Trip to see select church history sites. (I will do a seperate post for that since there is some great pictures from that trip.
Nauvoo Temple
Before we left for the Church History Trip we had a Clue Party with some of our friends. It was a potluck dinner and then I supplied a dessert buffet. We played Clue in the apartment with each person dressed up as a character.
The cast of clue (we have such great friends)
November - Robert experienced his first snow fall on the 9th of November. It was a pretty light snow, but exciting for me all the same.
Robert in his first snow fall
We weren't able to go down to San Diego for Thanksgiving so instead the family came to us. It was great having the family up here. While we had everyone together we had decided to take family pictures (the first ones since I've been married).
One of our family pictures (taken in Provo Canyon)
Robert carving the turkey
December - Robert finished his first full semester at BYU and then we headed down to San Diego for a few weeks. The best part was that our friends, Kaylie and Nate Burgi, were joining us on our trip. They had decided to come down and visit San Diego and of course go to Disneyland!! They were down for 8 fun filled days! We spent two days at Disneyland, a day at SeaWorld (courtesy of Jessica Snodgrass...the best sister ever!), a day at the beach and Birch Aquarium (Kaylie had never been to the beach), two days relaxing, and a few days site seeing. It was fun playing tour guide.
Robert, Heather, Kaylie, Nate in front of the castle
Us at the Mormon Battalion

We left San Diego on January 31st and headed back to Utah wondering what 2013 will hold for us.

And that my friends is a VERY brief summary of the remaining months in 2012.

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