
Monday, March 12, 2012

T-Ball Season

My nephew, Gabe, has started T-Ball this year and last Saturday (the 10th) was his first game. Of course everyone who could make it came out to support Gabe. THankfully it was a beautiful day. Sunny with a nice breeze. When we got to the ball field the parking lot was full so Anthony (BIL) dropped us off and parked back at the house which is just down the street. The new baseball field is brand new and super nice. They have 4 fields.

                           Here is Gabe in his uniform. His team is the Phillies.

Gabe wanted his jersey number to be 5 because he is 5 (and tells everyone he sees that he is 5).

At the beginning of the game both teams lined up and said the pledge of allegiance.

The game consists of three innings. In each inning both teams have a chance for all the kids to hit the ball. Since they are still young they don't keep score.

This is Gabe at bat.

In each inning the kids play different positions. Gabe played in field between first and second base, second base, and between second and third. His favorite past time during the game...drawing in the dirt. The kids were a bit restless and antsy.

Gabe sliding into home. (He loves to slide into bases. He practices at home.) It was a great day and a lot of fun to see Gabe play. It will be fun to go to more of his games.


  1. FUN!!! N starts T-ball a in May and I can't wait to watch. The last 2 years I've been playing with him. :) Thanks for sharing! Cute as always!
